We add more Em4 parts. It works.

We introduced the Em4's box to most of its parts today. Here's a nice photo of the EDU, an acrylic energy dissipater we finished today. The Em4 is a mechanical beauty, wonderful to see in the flesh (aluminum, mostly) after after many months of design work.

Jesse and I worked hard on last minute details, including renting a truck to haul the Em4, along with four Emriver models, to Minnesota.

We have to be careful. If we crash this truck with an Em4 and four Emriver models, it'll be the world's worst movable bed river model disaster, no doubt. Like if the Hindenburg had been carrying the Wright Brothers. Except without so much hydrogen.

Anyways, it's exciting, amidst the ceaseless work and detail (we've ordered various exotic parts from here nearly every day for the last month) to see the Em4 come together.

We shipped another Emriver today, here Jesse finishes a ton of work (much of it his) dealing with Roadway to get this done.

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