38,000 feet of urban stream.

I was tasked with summarizing all the work I've done in Maryland Heights, Missouri today. I worked there furiously from about 1995 until 2001. It was very important for me, and led to my move to St. Louis and meeting Kate, among other things.

I had to search a bunch of old digital files and paper reports. But one of the good things about getting old is looking back on work you're proud of, even if you're forced to do it.

I surveyed over 38,000 feet of urban channel in this city (lots of stories, probably my favorite is the folks who were shocked to hear the stream say "hey!" as they threw their trash over the bank and onto my head). I expected to, but never found a dead body, not human, anyway.

Here's a map of all the work I did there, and an excerpt from an annotated long profile survey from 1999.

I count eight data lines. FEMA flood study elevations, the Pleistocene terrace (from ice damming on the Mississippi) elevation, high water marks I observed, our detailed long profile survey points, local slope lines. The nearly straight lines are least-squares lines. The vertical lines are spaced at 100 feet, so this is around 1,700 of 38,000. A lot of analysis with colored pens.

I wonder how much Rosgen workshop training credit I could get for all this.

This work helped a lot of urban streams and people, that's good.

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